Lilla Krász
Affiliation: Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Early Modern History English, Institute of
History, University Eötvös Loránd
Position: associate professor
Scientific degree: PhD, habilitation
Fields of research: early modern cultural history of childbirth, 18−19th-centuries history of
science/history of knowledge − medical history (academic peregrination, medical tourism,
popularization of medical knowledge, production of medical knowledge, networks of medical
Publications: Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
Website: Circulation of Knowledge
e-mail: krasz.lilla@btk.elte.hu
Brigitta Pesti
Affiliation: University of Vienna, Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language
Studies (EVSL), Finno-Ugric Studies
Position: senior lecturer
Scientific degree: PhD
Fields of research: early modern comparative cultural and literary history, literary and cultural
patronage, women’s history, historical steretype research
Publications: ORCID
Website: u:cris Portal
e-mail: brigitta.pesti@univie.ac.at
Andrea Seidler
Affiliation: University of Vienna, Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language
Studies (EVSL), Finno-Ugric Studies
Position: professor
Scientific degree: PhD, habilitation
Fields of research: Central European studies , comparative cultural and literary history, historical
media research, travel literature, scholarly correspondence in the 18th century,
Publications: Publikationen
Website: Andrea Seidler
e-mail: andrea.seidler@univie.ac.at